Song: God (U.K. 12" B-Side)
Album: Purple Rain
Year: 1984
I couldn't find a video for the exact version of this song, which is important because this particular version is, in my mind, the superior version. It appeared originally as the B-Side to the U.K. Import 12" single of Purple Rain, and again as an inclusion on the Deluxe version of the Purple Rain album. It's just offbeat enough and different enough from the shorter vocal version to stoke interest. A solo guitar carries what would be the vocal while drums, bass, synth strings and piano provide a background that is never static and flirts with Prince's interest in jazz. It's a fine number made somewhat finer by the fact that it has been (and still is, to some extent) somewhat difficult to find.
Verdict: 4.5/5 stars
Would I sing it at karaoke? I'm starting to wonder why I include this question, especially for instrumentals.
Song: Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Album: Space Oddity
Year: 1969
This just happens to be one of my favorite Bowie songs. I discovered it during a phase in college when I was diving deep into his first few albums and became increasingly enamored with every track on this album. It immediately follows what is perhaps his signature song (Space Oddity) by echoing (slightly) the escalating guitar riffs of that song to lead into what quickly becomes a rollicking jam with a Bo-Diddly beat. But don't listen to me . . . you can read a far superior explanation here (or below):
The song is a slow reduction, moving from complexity and nuance down to hard basics, and seems, symbolically if not intentionally, to be Bowie throwing over folk music for hard rock. It opens with 12-string acoustic, alternating between Asus2 and D9 chords; Bowie’s dreamy vocal and the occasional sweep of electric guitar suggests it will be another delicate rambling folk song in the vein of “Letter to Hermione.” Then a 20-bar verse destabilizes the song until at last Bowie hits ground with a Bo Diddley beat and riffing guitars and harmonica.
It's a song that makes me want to roll down the windows and crank the stereo to 11. Apologies to any fellow drivers that may have inadvertently been exposed to my bellowing.
Verdict: 5/5 stars
Would I sing it at karaoke? Absolutely! Immediately! Repeatedly!
Winner: Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Running Score: Bowie 15, Prince 8