Thursday, September 12, 2019

When Doves Cry vs. Rubber Band

Song:  When Doves Cry
Album:  Purple Rain
Year:  1984

What is there to say about When Doves Cry that hasn't been said before?  It's a masterpiece.  The intro guitar is amazing.  The substitution of Prince's weird vocal track in lieu of a bass line is inspired.  The overlapping vocals are genius.  The little keyboard riff is instantly recognizable.  What's not to like?

Well, if you're a Bruce Springsteen fan, you may not like the fact that this was Prince's first number one hit, charting on July 7, 1984 and remaining at #1 for 5 straight weeks, resulting in The Boss' "Dancing in the Dark" being held at #2.  This is the closest Springsteen has come to having a #1 hit.

Verdict:  5/5 stars

Would I sing it at karaoke?  I believe I have.  Not well . . .

Song:  Rubber Band
Album:  David Bowie
Year:  1967

It would have taken a stellar Bowie song to go up against When Doves Cry, and Rubber Band is not that song.  It's somewhat of a novelty song, best described by the blog Pushing Ahead of the Dame.

Seriously . . . follow the link and read the blog.  I'll wait.

Back already?  Well, I have no more to add.  I'm not enthralled with this song.  I don't need to hear it again.  The Spinners, yes; this mess, no.

Verdict:  Bowie's Rubber Band 1/5 stars.  (The Spinners' Rubber Band Man 5/5 stars).

Would I sing it at karaoke?  No.  Neither version.  Bowie's because it's not good and the Spinners because I'm not worthy.

Winner:  When Doves Cry, of course.

Running Score:  Bowie 25, Prince 17

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