Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nagoya vs. Right

Song:  Nagoya
Album:  C-Note
Year:  2004

Princevault explains that "C-Note is the third live album released by Prince from the One Nite Alone... Tour. This album contains recordings from the soundchecks prior to the show (open to NPG Music Club members), and is the third compilation album of NPG Music Club downloads (covering tracks released in early 2003); the album was released on the same day as The Chocolate Invasion and The Slaughterhouse, two other compilation albums."

So this is a soundcheck track.  It sounds like a soundcheck track.  There's no thought to it and while it's fine background music (I suppose) there's really nothing that stands out as a major accomplishment.  The playing is competent for sure, but not all that interesting.  It's just kind of there.

Verdict:  2/5 stars

Would I sing it at karaoke?  Being an instrumental, nope.

Song:  Right
Album:  Young Americans
Year:  1975

This is a fantastic soul groove off of one of my favorite Bowie albums, with backing vocals by Luther Vandross no less!  Though essentially a two chord jam, the track demonstrates intricacies that reveal themselves on subsequent listenings and showcase the artistry needed to create such a piece.  It's a lovely song best explained by Bowie himself:

‘Right’ is putting a positive drone over. People forget what the sound of Man’s instinct is—it’s a drone, a mantra. And people, say: ‘Why are so many things popular that just drone on and on’. But that’s the point really.

According to the internet this song was never performed live.  That's a shame.

Verdict:  5/5 stars

Would I sing it at karaoke?  I'd love to!

Running score:  Bowie 31, Prince 19

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