Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Round and Round vs. I'd Rather Be High

Song:  Round and Round
Album:  Graffiti Bridge
Year:  1990

1990 marked my move to Chicago and subsequent immersion in the goth/punk/industrial scene, so I really never gave Graffiti Bridge much of a chance.  Still, I do remember secretly listening to this one track, appreciative off the backing instrumentals and drum track with designs on using it as inspiration for some keyboard pieces I was working on.  Sung by Tevin Campbell, this is a pure pop track punctuated, unfortunately, by an attempt at old-school Tommy-Boy era rap that comes off more like an uninteresting, clean limerick.  Prince's voice is clearly audible in the background chorus and he shows some nice restraint in letting this be a Tevin Campbell track.  It's a nice song that perhaps hasn't aged all that well.

Verdict:  3/5 stars

Would I sing it at karaoke?  No, if only to avoid the dumb rap

Song:  I'd Rather be High
Album:  The Next Day
Year:  2013

An anti-war track, this song is best understood by reading Chris O'Leary's excellent writeup here.  I don't have much more insight to add and can only say that while I found this track just OK upon initial listen I am growing to like it more and more upon repeated plays.  The military-style snare drum drives the tempo and works nicely within the context of the song.  The initial chord progression reminded me vaguely of the Police song "Darkness" and I feel like there are other influences in there from Bowie's Man Who Sold the World tracks, but I just can't put my finger on it.  Perhaps it's just the subject matter.

Verdict:  4/5 stars

Would I sing it at karaoke?  Not at the top of my list, but sure.

Winner:  I'd Rather be High

Running Score:  Bowie 30, Prince 18

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